GES Modules

Petrophysics Modeling

Petrophysics modeling is to analysis logs data distribution in plane, like porosity, Sw, permeability etc. users can use facies constraint or not. GES provide 5 algorithms, including Ordinary Kriging, Sequential Gaussian Simulation, Moving Average, Closest and Assign Value.


Petrophysics Modeling

Petrophysics modeling can be performed with facies model constraint.


Fig. facies Model (left) and porosity model with facies constraint (right)


All models in GES can be display in intersection window, and overlay well logs data to section profile to double check model quality.


Fig. Sw Model (left) and Sw model intersection profile (right)


Fig. Porosity Model (left) and Porosity model intersection profile (right)


Steps to perform Petrophysics Modeling in GES:

· Go to Model pane → Click the model grid you want to updating

· Go to Geology & Modeling ScenarioReservoir ModelingBlock Wells → Finish block well

· Go to Geology & Modeling ScenarioReservoir ModelingPetrophysics Modeling → Select data for BW Property Name →select Algorithm for each zone → Model ParameterVariogram AnalysisAlgorithm Parameter → Click OK