Structure Map

Structure map presents structural information on a map. In GES, you can create a structure map by using well picks data, line data or points data. You can control the structure trend by using trend surface and contour line, there are 5 algorithms you can choose from when creating a map.


Fig. An example of using point data to create a structure map


Fig. An example of using line data to create structure map


Steps to perform Structure Map in GES:

· Go to Geological Evaluation Scenario/Geology & Modeling Scenario → Geology Evaluation → Structure Map

· Select Input data, Constrain and Boundary, enter the Output name in Common label

· Set Grid Increment → Select Algorithm in Mapping Settings Label

· Go to Visual Settings label, click Estimate button, Min and Max value will be automatically generated, you can also input the value manually

· Set Interval and click Apply

· Choose the template for Color table

· Set Contour Line Nodes, normally set to 2 → Click OK

· Go to Scene pane, click structure, the contour ribbon bar will be shown, and you can edit contour line and fill in this ribbon bar

