Donation to University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed between Institute of Geology, University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir & GPT Software. We have donated 5 licenses of “Geological Evaluation System (GES)” having worth of One Million USD to the Institute of Geology UAJ&K, Muzaffarabad.


Mr. Shabeer Ghulam of GPST Pakistan

Dr. Muhammad Farooq (Director Institute of Geology UAJ&K) and Ex. Director Dr. Muhammad Basharat introduce the contribution and ongoing projects of the institute and emphasized on the academia and industrial link. Dr. Ali Wahid conducted the session with IT team. It is decided that the future seminars and trainings will be conducted for the students to learn the software and future research collaborations. Hence, the faculty members and students can use this software for research purposes.
